So in the world of today:
-over 21000 gallons of oil spilt off the coast of California.
-North Korea claims that it can miniaturize nuclear war heads.
-40,000 Iraqis from Ramadi were displaced.
-Nigeria saved 275 women and children from Boko Harem.
-The State department released several recovered Bin Laden documents.
-McDonald’s workers from across the country protested wages.
-China is building a series of military islands in the South China Sea.
-JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Barclays and the Royal Bank of Scotland had to pay 5 billion in fines for attempting to manipulate global currency. UBS was also involved, but had to pay a different fine.
-Obama said that denying global warming threatens national security.
-Iran said it would permit no inspections of its military facilities.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
'So in the world of today: 20 May 2015' by Sam Orr
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