This week is my first week of school for my 5th semester of Brigham Young University - Idaho. This semester seems chill. None of my classes seems to take a lot of time. I am not learning a program like REVIT, AutoCAD, SketchUp, or another program. We are three for four in organizing activities. The four activities were a game night; Family Home Evening; another game night, which was a failure; and a bonfire. I started early practice for my cross country team. I started blogging the world news again.
My Fifth Semester
I was pondering about time management yesterday, since I am trying to blog the world news again. I realized that I did not need to quit, blogging the world news. I just needed to ponder ways to blog more efficiently. I figured that I have 168 hours in a week, and there is plenty of time to do it. I recommend thinking. Some people don't like to face the things that stress their lives. Thinking about it can help you overcome whatever is stressing you. You need to think in a manner that is problem solving though. Don't just dwell on what is stressing you. I think that people are a lot more spontanious in the first couple weeks to do stuff, but we need to be humble because last semester was a mess kind of. People aren't as spontanious after those first couple weeks. People need to plan it weeks in advance. We are hoping to have a game night every Sunday, but that can fall apart to, if we don't run it well. Jesse is positive that it will be successful each week, but we started counting the success rate of the activities that we attempt to organize. I counted an attempt to ask someone out for a little bit, but I don't think that should be counted as a attempt to organize an activity. It's more of a personal activity; unless, it is a group date. We organized 4 activities. The four activities were a game night; Family Home Evening; another game night, which was a failure; and a bonfire.
The Sabbath Day Recreational Activity
The game night was really cool. A returned missionary friend of Jesse's is named Rachel Dunlap, and she returned from a mission in Germany. There is a very popular game there called Werewolf. I am not going to explain that game. It is basically mafia on steroids. At first it was slow and once we played a few games, we enjoyed ourselves because we got to know each other a little. It was interesting because Megan Vogel came. Jesse and I know her because she gave us rides to Salt Lake and back to Rexburg. She is a friend of Rachel's friend.
Family Home Evening
I like the first week of school because the ward usually has not organized Family Home Evening, so I can organize something. All of my friends were busy with their own personal Family Home Evening plans, which was surprising for me. Usually wards are not on top of it the first week. We give the BYUI bishops a week grace period to figure things out. Since I knew that the girls in my ward do have plans for Family Home Evening, I had confidence that I could organize a spontanious activity. I left to get dinner at the Crossroads a little after 6, and I visited the sister apartments on the way back. I was able to get about 1.333 girls apartments to join us. Two girls from an apartment came early, and we were about to chill out with them, but the other apartment came late, which made it that we were not as chill with them. I shared a good spiritual thought relating the desire to forsake the sin needs to be a decision that we make. We need to decide to hate all sin. Jesse lead us in a game of stick ball; although, it was late.
Stick ball is a game that Jesse's brother-in-law may have made up. It is nice that not many people know the game, but I will explain it. Every time that I have attempted to explain the rules people are not excited about it, but I will try. I don't expect that everyone will start playing this game, so I will explain it. The equipment needed is a bat kind of and a bucket of tennis balls. We usually use a dowel, the stick that holds up your hanged clothing in a closet. The game is a combination of baseball and golf. One person takes another person's ball, and hits it as far as he can; then, that person needs to throw the ball back to the bucket. The person with the least throws in the end wins, for each person need to hit all the other people.
I didn't attend the the bonfire because I wanted to go see Kenz Hall and Mimi Knowles, who are both Mormon Musicians that I follow on the Mormon YSA Blog Spot. The bonfire was a success. Jesse said that a weird thing happened because noises were moving around as if a critter was approaching them. They were never able to spot the creature; although, it sounded like it was right next to a picnic table.
Rock the Block
Naomi told me about that one of the missionaries that taught her was going to perform, and I was surprised that it turned out to be the same show that Kenz Hall and Mimi Knowles played at. It was perfect because we came and got dinner, and arrived just at the right time to see JJ play with David Rhythm, a Provo Native former contestant on the Voice. Kenz Hall was a contestant on American Idol in the most recent season. I enjoyed the David Rhythm band the best because he actually had a complete band. They did three cover songs, and their original song was really cool. JJ's real name is Joji Lewenilovo Junior, and he rocked it as a backup singer. Kenz Hall performed right after. She was good, but she did not rock it as well as David Rhythm. Mimi Knowles performed after, and we were not into his voice. It was so high pitched.
I went with Naomi and Jeanette Holmes. It was cool and interesting because Jeanette was very similar to me because she can't dance, and I feel the same way as her. She grabbed me, and we went to a comfortable location, where we were not standing in front of the speakers. We were fine with just watching.
Mimi Knowles was hanging out with his band members, dancing and having a fun time, and Kenz Hall came later. I almost took a picture of her, but I figured that there is no use. She kept herself separate from the performers and audience. Acquaintances and family spoke to her briefly. After her performance, she invited people to come purchase her CD, and hang out in the back. I went to buy the CD, and I was able to speak to her a little. I mainly spoke to her mother. She said that Kenz wanted to speak to her father after she left our conversation. I bought her second album, and she autographed it. I was surprised that the first album cover that they chose for the CD was a picture of her, and there was no hint of her wearing clothing.
Night Hike
Naomi's apartment organized a night hike up R mountain. Night hikes are fun especially the vague trail of R mountain. The girls were complaining about how hard it was as I complained about how slow they are going. They almost quit. I liked the vague trail because we followed it fine, but we felt that we were wandering around the mountain. I was "Moses" because I did the exploration, telling the way to the trail. When we made it to the top, we were lead by Jesse to a special rock that we may dwell on to enjoy the abundant stars and each others. Joseph Samuel Orr, who goes by Sam, is one of my roommates, and he was so funny. Another coincidental acquaintance was invited to join us by him. Her name is Leah Ward. I know her from my special education study days. We volunteered at an Elementary School together, and we had an awkward group date as volunteer friends. The date was not awkward, but it was awkward between us. I remember that I could think of one thing to talk about with her. She added a lot to the group chemistry. I was leading the company on the way down, and somehow I found a fence with a chain that was kind of like a handrail to help us on the way down. There was good chemistry in the group. I enjoyed it a lot.
Early Practice with My Cross Country Team
I am happy that I have gone early practice with my team because I can practice being a coach before I get my entire team. My idea of having Junior Varsity and Varsity teams is working well; however, offering the support to each individual got me distracted, and I was unable to get the work out to the varsity team, since they finished early. They thought up of their own workout, and kind of dragged the Junior Varsity in, which I don't want, so I made share to communicate with my team captain the workout before the practice. I may not be around when they finish the 3 mile warm up. My three mile warm up idea is working well. People are socializing and having a good time. My simple principle a day is working too. I want to be really punctual on time, starting and ending practice on time, which I have been able to do too. The principles that I have taught are one's feet should land on the ground as if they are doing jump rope. Secondly, to not get cramps one should finish eating and drinking water about an hour before they run, and the third is that we need to be consistent in working out. If you feel sore or not feel sore, keep on exercising because the soreness will get worse, if you quit. I never got super sore working at Delta Stone Products; although, I basically lifted for 8 hours straight, but I never got super sore because I was doing it 5 days a week.
Blogging the World News Again
"Read the Story of the World" is my first blog. I missed being informed about what is going on in the world. I follow 68 world news twitter accounts from Iran, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, UK, Middle East, Egypt, Canada, United States, and more. Basically the only new thing that is happening in the world is that ISIS is terrorizing Iraq again. All of the other stuff is old, but Russia made trouble in Ukraine, since I have been gone. The arab spring is still going on. The Ebola crisis is new. Yemen is still a mess. There is always trouble in Egypt, since Mubarak was taken out. The United State made huge military decisions this week deciding to train and arm the Syrian Rebels, and they are also starting to lead a confrontation of ISIS. Scotland has a referendum to separate from Britian on the first day that I started blogging again, but that proposal was not completed. Tropical Storm Mario hit the Philippines just I began blogging again too. Boko Haram is still causing trouble in Nigeria. China and India "resolved their border dispute." I put quotes because they always have border troubles. Pakistan is enduring terrorist attacks too. ISIS' reach is huge. They even threaten to behead people in Australia, and they took over 60 villages as about 45 thousands Kurdish people are fled to Turkey. New Zealand reelected their president for the third time. Afghanistan is going to announce their election results today too.
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