I had this conversation about my knowledge that I learned from my China Class at BYUI yesterday, and we had a personal conversation after the status.
Dellon Campbell
Yesterday via mobile
The Chinese are the most ill-mannered, dishonest and most corrupt set a ppl ive ever met.
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Kiffa JesusineedUnow Davis plz mek sure seh a CHINESE specifically and a SPECIFIC set of Chinese. nuh blanket all Asians with as Chinese even tho it hot.
Yesterday at 7:31am · Like · 1
Dellon Campbell lol, the ones im working with brought a whole new light about the morals they possess
Yesterday at 7:34am via mobile · Like
Kiffa JesusineedUnow Davis lolz. hush breddah.
Yesterday at 7:34am · Like · 1
Alexander Hicken I don't like the Chinese ways either. I am studying the Chinese this semester, and the most I learn about them; the most dislike their ways.
Yesterday at 8:25am via mobile · Like
Chrina Hudson I have to depend on God to help me not to hate them!!
Yesterday at 8:48am via mobile · Like
Dellon Campbell There is good in all men, only if we will look for it. The point is I do no hate them, but their immoral ways.
Yesterday at 11:55am via mobile · Like
Alexander Hicken Yeah. They are amazing people. The immoral nature of their ways and actions of the government, business, and other things are separate from people themselves.
Yesterday at 12:01pm via mobile · Like · 1
Sterling Walker Harsh lol
Young Carter-Md lol a true man. No manners nor courtesy, go in their place and say thanks or anything they don't even answer.
Dellon Campbell
hey bro, how are you. im very interested in you chinese study and what you have learnt
Alexander Hicken
The latest thing that I learned which I dislike is there economic strategy.
Dellon Campbell
what is that like?
Alexander Hicken
The flood the earth with products, selling it at a price that is not even profitable.
The price is so low that competition is destroyed.
All their companies are nearly bankrupt, but they only survive because the government funds them.
Dellon Campbell
and the products have no freaking use bro, easy to break. But just a matter of time before it blows up in their face
Alexander Hicken
Yep, but the government is funding these companies somehow.
I think that their generous loaning position gives them a lot of revenue.
I also don't like how deep of the economic relationships are with so many nations that we depend on them.
Dellon Campbell
makes sense now of course. Give dem loans, send them into foreign lands, and then flood their products into those lands, then send back the money to china hence making the government earning more and more foreign exchange
Alexander Hicken
In about 15 to 20 years they are going to have a crisis similar to Europe, and we are going to have to bail them out.
Dellon Campbell
but wait arent they bailing out america? The thing is, if China crashes, many countries rae going to crash too
Alexander Hicken
They are the leading consumer of imports of so many nations that their collapse is going to make a global recession or depression.
The economy of the nation is so unstable. They don't even know how much debt they have.
I feel like they are playing the whole world as a joke.
They don't report and survey properly to the wto.
It is illegal to demand these documents.
Dellon Campbell
WHAT? does America knows dis?
what the heck?
Alexander Hicken
Probably. I think that the world should quit buy their products to limit the effects of their collapse.
Payback our debts
Dellon Campbell
So all could be going on is that the chinese government could br running on a scam, which im sure they are doing
Alexander Hicken
We have no agenda as they are running all over the world making "mutually economic prosperity deals."
Dellon Campbell
sigh. well let us pray america will be finacially stable hold the world together then
Alexander Hicken
They played ASEAN like an adult stealing a lollipop from a child. The
They are building a 1.5 billion dollar corporate city in an Bangkok to re-export their products.
Have you heard of re-exporting products?
Dellon Campbell
asean? whats dat?
no? im not very business oriented
Alexander Hicken
It is the union of the southeast Asian nations, trying to make their agenda and economies better in globalization.
Dellon Campbell
oh and China is getting involved?
what is re exporting?
Alexander Hicken
These countries need to work with the super powers to raise the marketability of their nation to prosper.
Re-exporting is China selling their products in other countries to avoid the tariffs of the EU and US.
Dellon Campbell
HA! of course i knew there were doing something like that
Alexander Hicken
All their internal affairs are messed up. Banking, real estate, family planning, the three gorge dam, pollution of industry.
Dellon Campbell
Now the chinese are coming into Jamaica and what the government needs to do is to let them build things like those here too
Alexander Hicken
No one owns their own property.
Dellon Campbell
in china?
Alexander Hicken
They are building infrastructure so fast that their is not enough people to live in the cities or no one wants to live there.
They have a lot of ghost town.
Dellon Campbell
oh? so they are spending the money to take ppl out of poverty then?
Alexander Hicken
The one child policy is disturbing, leading the nation to have the most suicidal rates of women.
Yeah. They are trying to urbanize the population.
They are moving millions of people around like it is for the good of the nation.
Destroying most of their lives.
Dellon Campbell
what the crap. this means they are rewriting their own culture. no wonder the chinese never want to go back. btw, where can I find some of these info?
Alexander Hicken
China is changing like mad.
They dammed the most destructive river in the world, destroying 16 cities.
Dellon Campbell
no sah? the government must be up to something. why and why? removing poverty?
Alexander Hicken
They are building cities for these people; 20 each year.
I don't know what they are trying to do. They have to have some crazy vision of the country.
Dellon Campbell
wow? so are any ppl going into them atleast?
Alexander Hicken
Another thing that I don't like is that China claim nations as theirs and try to assimilate them.
Dellon Campbell
wait? they destroyed 16 of their own cities?
Alexander Hicken
The Tibetans, Ughiurs, Taiwanese,
Dellon Campbell
Alexander Hicken
There is 52 or so minorities that they are destroying their culture.
Dellon Campbell
i know about the tibetans. they really want their freedom. where can i find some of these information for further reading?
Alexander Hicken
I just learned that Macau is another satellite land of the country like Hong Kong and Taiwan, and I don't know that history.
Dellon Campbell
macau. i heard thta name before hmm! i thought hong kong had more freedom
Alexander Hicken
We have studied a book and several website documents. I can give you the class selections.
Dellon Campbell
oh plz do
Alexander Hicken
Hong Kong only has freedom because the opium wars and Britain.
Dellon Campbell
oh! because i know they speak cantonese and was once owned by britain!
Alexander Hicken
these two videos are about Buddhist monk immolations in Tibet:
[Warning: the following video contains disturbing images. You may skip it if you wish.] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-17761598
Look up “Serfdom in Tibet controversy” in Wikipedia
Alexander Hicken
The future of Tibet: Might China change tack?
An interview with Rob Gifford (author of China Road) about China's policies towards Tibet
Might China change tack? The Economist (video)
Into the Hermit Kingdom - A fascinating blog with great pictures and videos about Tibet
Tibet: A new way forward
Alexander Hicken
Tibet Policy: Bold new proposals
Two Million (2,000,000!?) Tibetans Resettled?
China Seeks to Halt Tibetan Self-Immolations by Barbara Demick in the Los Angeles Times - Nov 5 2012
Alexander Hicken
Dharamsala Guide
Central Tibetan Administration
China’s Current Policy on Tibet
Qingzang (Qinghai-Tibet) Railway
Alexander Hicken
Free Tibet Articles
Study Points to Heavy-Handed Repression of Tibetan Area in China
Tibet: Flashback to the Chinese 'deal'
Video: China
Alexander Hicken
Seven Questions: What Tibetans Want
Fasting for Tibet outside the UN
Dellon Campbell
oh wait could you email them to impep@live.com as im on ma cell
Alexander Hicken
What works best for you PDFs, Word Documents, what?
Dellon Campbell
either is ok. what ever is easier for u
Alexander Hicken
It's sent,
I should prepare to go to sleep.
Dellon Campbell
by all menas bro and dank u for all the info, i should get reading. hail up yu breda fi mi. tek care man
Alexander Hicken
A theory is that China is trying to monopolize the world; then, raise the prices of the products to be profitable.
Dellon Campbell
world power bro! they want it
Alexander Hicken
I don't think that it will work because when competition is fierce, when they raise prices another company can bet them out. Their competitive edge is weaning as the population is shrinking.
They are barely surviving as a country, running insane risks.
Dellon Campbell
their population. i mean they are creating a population mess for themselves
Alexander Hicken
With a GDP growth consistently high.
Dellon Campbell
hmm! and wow!
Alexander Hicken
They have run out of surplus workers already.
About 8% each quarter
GDP growth
Dellon Campbell
are they importing workers?
Alexander Hicken
I have not looked that up. I have not heard anything about that idea.
They are always importing educators, but I don't know about other industries.
Foreigners come to run businesses in China often.
Dellon Campbell
there are so many strange things happening with em bro
Alexander Hicken
Yeah. Everything is backwards.
Even their names.
Last to first
Dellon Campbell
Alexander Hicken
The parents don't teach their children to read.
They wait for the school system to.
Dellon Campbell
really? but i always thought the chinese were brilliant ppl
Alexander Hicken
They are brilliant because they are felt in the dust without an university education, if they fail to college entry exam.
The government pays for their university education, but if you fail it is hard to get into a university and you have to pay for everything yourself.
Dellon Campbell
oh! i guess noone fails then
Alexander Hicken
If you fail, you can't move forward either.
The pressure is so intense to learn and pass all these exams.
There are an excessive amount of exams.
Dellon Campbell
wow! is their education system on par with the us system?
Alexander Hicken
They study in high school oftentimes away from home, studying all day.
Classes from morning to evening
Dellon Campbell
Alexander Hicken
They don't teach creativity and important skills.
This education system is not uncommon.
Dellon Campbell
what? and make sense! pretty much slaving or encoding their minds with their way of things
Alexander Hicken
It's the same in Korea.
Dellon Campbell
what do they teach?
north or south
Alexander Hicken
They teach from the exams.
South Korea
I don't know much about the North Korean education system. They teach crazy state propaganda though.
I don't know how well. The education system is in China. It has to be fruitful.
Their literacy rate is really good.
Dellon Campbell
wow south korea is a prospering country. so maybe dat education system is wrkn. here in jamaica ours involves alot of thinking
but when it is compared to other literary system say like america. does it match up?
Alexander Hicken
Yeah. Did I tell you that my education teacher thinks that the US is weird because all we do is focus on content in the primary schools, and we don't teach thinking?
Our education system is pretty bad.
I should say my prayers and sleep now.
Dellon Campbell
oh dang! what of the British system?
Alexander Hicken
Good night.
They are more experimental about education, but I don't know it well.
Dellon Campbell
ys man me too. we must continue. tanks for the knowledge
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