สุขสันต์วันเกิด! This is one of my first times successfully typing in Thai! I am not just copying and pasting it. Happy birthday!!
The pronunciation is S̄uk̄hs̄ạnt̒ wạn keid.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Happy Birthday!
I just learned Thailand?
I looked up "How do you say 'I am learning Thai' in Thai" in Google, and Yahoo! Answers gave me " ผมกำลังเรียนภาษาไทยครับ" from a native Thai speaker. It is pronounced as P̄hm kảlạng reīyn p̣hās̄ʹā thịy khrạb. You may know that translators are not perfect, but here is an example. Google said that it means 'I just learned Thailand.' Mom confirmed that the Thai phrase is accurate.
I am going to check whether my phrases are accurate with native speakers; although, even Thai translators are not perfect. My mom is a Thai translator, and she creates these documents for the assessment of translators. When she double checks the other people's work, surprisingly it is all messed up; therefore, she fixes it.
I am excited that I can have this blog because my smart phone let's me type in Thai. My phone will make learning Thai easier. My laptop doesn't have the Thai alphabet on the keyboard, but my phone can. :)
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
I am learning Thai slowly. My mom is Thai, but dad is not; therefore, I am left with little knowledge my native language. Reiyn in Thai means 'learn;' furthermore, I learned in one of my learning Thai apps that if you say the word twice it is an emphasis... Kind of. The app said that dekdek means children as dek means child alone.
I asked mom of reiyn emphasized as reiynreiyn means 'learn a lot.' She said that reiynreiyn means 'do it.' It's kind of demanding like the Nike saying; Just do it. :)
Reiyn is pronounced as the second syllable of Korean.
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