One Penny
I caught You
I know Right?
Just crazy
You were Strong
Standing Tall
But before the
End Of the Day You would fall
& I Would
Now Stand Tall
When I did
not let you spend
one penny
That Day
I Was Showing Both
of U
I was strong
Doing good without
Any Of It From
Either Of You
that when I thought I
was weak &
going to fall
I had BEEN
The One THAT
had always stood tall
and most of
all strong enough
to love you
& forgive U
Thursday, November 27, 2014
'One Penny' by Isidro Zapata
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
November 16, 2014
Things Most Important to Jessica and I |
Monday, November 24, 2014
"Happy Thanksgiving!!!! :)" by Sister Koroitamana
Heya Love!
Transfers was this past week and my new companion is Sister Tanton. She is great and she has really red hair hahaha:) She has been out about 9 months and she is slowly loving being a Sister Training Leader. I know it's taking a lot out of her and I know that sometimes she feels scared. I can honestly say that I know how she feels. Right now I am working on just loving her more and helping her to become her fullest potential. I miss Sister Matheson and all her craziness and our great times but I know and feel that Heavenly Father called Sister Tanton here for a reason. I guess I am learning to involve her more especially as teach. I really want us to teach equally and not have to feel like I'm the one doing the talking all the time. That's really the last thing I want to be. We've really been working on that and yesterday I fasted so that I could know how to help her and involve her more. I was in church and as we listened I felt like Heavenly Father really just wants me to love her as Christ would. So I will work on that.
This week we also continued to teach the Paguyo Family. They are doing so well. Christina is having a little of a hard time giving up coffee and she doesn't really see why Coffee and Tea are a part of that. We've been praying really hard to know how to help her! please pray for her. On Friday night we were on Exchanges and as I went to bed that night I was thinking alot! about Christina and how we could help her. I felt prompted to share the Restoration again with her and especially pointing out the role of Prophets and how they can receive revelation for our needs. I also felt to encourage her and teach how to receive her own revelation from God of this through the Book of Mormon. I quickly got out of bed that night and wrote this down because knowing me I would surely forget the next morning. ( I realized that most of my promptings usually come when I'm all comfortable in bed- I think Heavenly Father is testing me to see if I value his promptings enough to get up and write it down hahaha:) So Lately I've decided to keep a promptings Journal by my bed. I'm happy to say that It's helped alot!
On Saturday we went with the Paguyo Family to the Visitors Centre and Mama it was so incredible to see them feel the spirit there and just loved being there. As soon as they drove onto the temple grounds Petey (who's 9) immediately recognized that things were different here. He told us he just felt so peaceful and it was all nice quiet compared to all the noise he's used to in his neighborhood. Christina (Petey's Mom) shared how she felt like even on the Temple grounds it felt like it was a whole other world away from the Busyness in Los Angeles. I just wanted to cry and my heart was so filled with Joy and comfort as they expressed how they felt even before touring the Visitors Centre. Oh the funniest thing happened as well. As we were in front of the Christus Christina shared how earlier that day they were all in a store and Austin (who's 5) told the lady at the store that God was his Father :) then he pointed to Christina and said that she was his Mom and then he pointed to Pete (his Father) and said that Pete wasn't really his real Father because Heavenly Father was his Father :)
we all just laughed as we heard this and it was sooo amazing to me how he was taking in the things that we'd shared with his family. Christina definitely helped him clear that up. At the Visitor's Centre I really felt like it was the most inspired tour we've ever had. I loved the spirit we all felt there and Christina and Pete committed to really read and pray about the Book of Mormon to help them get their own answers from God. Mama I love their family so much! As we went to the room where it showed God's Plan for Families it was soo special to watch the video about this family living the Gospel then it was even more special to see the Paguyo family learning and taking those steps to live the Gospel. We shared something we liked about the person sitting on our right and Austin mentioned that he loved that his Mom prayed with him:) The Gospel is sooo Cool! The next they had other commitments to go to so Christina mentioned that they might not be able to come to church that Sunday! I prayed so much on Saturday to know how to help them choose to follow God first. We woke Sunday Morning and really just promised them blessings of Peace that Heavenly Father has for them if they choose to come to church. ( I am learning that if we really do love someone we will ask them to do hard things because that's the only way they will grow - Oh it's soo hard for me to ask people to do this and make these changes because I know that it's hard sometimes, but it really does bring me alot of comfort and love to know that Heavenly Father really loves them and wants to bless them and the only way that they can truly be happy and feel that fulfilling Joy is through following Jesus Christ and making changes to come closer to him) That day they all chose to come to church! I was really grateful and in awe at the love Heavenly Father has for them and the love that they all have for him.
I Love you Heaps!!!!
Sister Koroitamana:)
Saturday, November 22, 2014
'Forgiveness' by Isidro Zapata
I wonder how many times I need to forgive others I know I make a lot of mistakes but makes me think of the time me and my mom sat down & had a real talk I remember every word she said to me
"I know I was not a good mother & you have every right to hate me & never speak to me ever again & I will understand if you never see me again!!"
Her, words shock me because she was being truly honest in how she treat me how she treated my brothers & sisters was a lot different.
When I was going to be ten my mom promise to take me out to dinner but again she did not keep her promise. So I told her it was okay but asked if she was able to get me a birthday cake this got her really mad & beat me then left with my sister they came back my mom drag me from the living room to the kitchen then said I had to eat it all by myself or I would get it.
So to the question my mom ask yes she was a bad mother but her words broke all the angry I had for her even hate because before I got ill I never really spoke or went to see her just for the holidays that was it. One thing I remember is when I forgave her my
In order to forgive you need to leave the hate and let LOVE GROW IN THAT PLACE. So next time you or I make a mistake & ask God to forgive us I am sure his love towards you GROWS EVEN MORE
Monday, November 17, 2014
'HOPE' by Sister Koroitamana
Hi!!!!!! This week has been a crazy Fun Week! We got to cover the YSA Branch again for a little bit this weekend and I just love them so much! We had a miracle happen last week on Monday! While emailing I felt a tap on my shoulder and as I looked back! It was Jarrett!!!! We had previously taught him in the YSA Branch and had such an amazing lesson with him where he accepted to be baptized and was really excited but after that lesson he just disappeared! we tried calling him but his phone didn't work! We tried stopping by his house so many times but we couldn't find him and now almost 2 months later he was standing right in front of me! Wow I was sll speechless! hahaha! He was soo happy to see us he expressed that he was so sorry his phone had gotten disconnected and he wasn't really home anymore but he still wanted to meet with us. WoW was all I can say to that experience:)
I think the thing that really helps me the most is my personal Scripture Study. As I read and ponder of the stories in the Book of Mormon and reflect on how faithful Heavenly Father always is to the people that love him and follow him, that really strengthens my testimony that just as God delivered the Nephites countless times regardless of how outnumbered they were I know that he will deliver us and provide for us regardless of how unlikely our circumstances may be as long as we are truly doing all we can to help ourselves and we are being Faithful to his commandments. ( Please read Alma 2:) I came across this scripture a couple of weeks ago after we had just had a lesson with some investigators that weren't really accepting our message. As we came out of that lesson that night this scripture came back so clearly to my mind and I just felt reassured that all things would work out in the Lord's time. I felt that in reminding me of this Heavenly Father was telling me that just as he consecrated the Nephites efforts he would consecrate my efforts and my weaknesses. I am really grateful for Personal Study time. I told Sister Matheson about this and expressed to her how I just wished that every Missionary would cherish their study time because the promises I learn during that time are really what help me to keep going when things seem hopeless. A couple of weeks after that Sister Matheson and I were called and asked to give a training on using our Study time Effectively! :) Wow! I was so grateful! if you haven't already please set a some time aside to just study the scriptures! They are filled with so many great Promises. I know your schedule is kind of hectic but I can honestly say that it really does make a big difference.
The Paguyo Family are doing well.They all came to church yesterday and little Petey was a little shy to go to Primary but once we showed him how it was he went:) Pete Snr's best friend is Member as well and upon hearing of their Baptism he asked Pete if he could Baptize him! He is currently in Columbia and will be back on the weekend of the 30th so they will be Baptized on the 29th of November. They are doing so well! Pete came to the Departing Missionary fireside last night and just loved it! We asked him how he liked it and how he felt in the end and he said that he could just feel so much love there and it felt so overwhelming for him. We asked him how he felt towards Baptism and he said that felt so excited!!! Mama they are a great people I know that God loves them and really has prepared them to receive his Gospel at this time:) I also know and feel that there are many people out there even here in Manhattan Beach that are really prepared just like the Paguyo Family to receive the Gospel as well. It's been really amazing for me to see that almost everyone that we talk to has had some sort of association with members of the Church somewhere along their lives. I can truly feel that the Lord truly is hastening his work and I always love what President Weidman shared that "This work has less to do with us and more to do with how you and I respond to the Promptings of the Holy Ghost" One such experience I had about that this week is when we were trying to contact a potential investigator one night and she wasn't home as we walked out of her apartment complex the thought to try and talk to her neighbors came to my mind but I almost quickly brushed it aside because I rationalized and told myself that it was getting too late and they'd probably not be too keen. The thought came again and I quickly recognized that I had often told myself many times before that if the thought was good it was from God. So I decided to act on it anyway and asked me companion if we could knock on their door. We did and a Man named Preston answered the door. He said that almost all day today he had been seeing missionaries everywhere he went and now there we were at his door again. We told him that God was probably trying to tell him something:) He said he was atheist but we just testified of God's love for him and shared about the Book of Mormon with him. He didn't allow us to share much more with him but as we walked away I felt so good knowing that Heavenly Father had helped me to listen to a prompting and that Preston was now a step Closer to God than he was before we met him. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father is soo merciful and is so aware of us especially me and my weaknesses.
Lately I've been thinking about a weakness that I have of not being super good at voicing my thoughts. I came home on Saturday night and really reflected on this and How I could try to improve. Then on Sunday a Return Missionary gave a talk at church and shared experiences he'd had and also pointed out the weaknesses he had as well weaknesses even the Prophets in the Bible had, he mentioned Specifically Moses and Enoch who were both slow of Speech. As I listened to this I just felt so reassured in my heart that My Heavenly heard me that night and that he knew and loved me and is aware of every child of his. I loved it! I am learning that going into any meeting with a question can really help us to have great spiritual experiences. Just a tip.
Also this weekend was a little of a crazy fun weekend for us. We temporarily covered the El Camino Branch again and it was such a Blessing! I loved it! We got to be in a trio with Sister Park (From Korea) and it was soo Fun:) We also received a call last night since it's transfers and So Sister Matheson is leaving to serve in Torrance 1st. I am excited for her to serve there as I've served there before and love the people there and Sister Tanton will be my new companion:) There are so many changes in the Mission it's really exciting!
I Love you a Tonne!!!!
Sister Koroitamana
Monday, November 10, 2014
'Pictures:)' by Sister Koroitamana
November 9, 2014
"Also since a lot of you are beginners, I recommend that you jog for about 20 minutes three days a week for a couple weeks with cross training of lunges and another exercise that I recommend. I can show you it, if you would like.
After the two weeks, I recommend increasing the time of the work out to 30 minutes three days a week; then, add a fourth day of working out on the week after; the fifth day the week after that. Do that for another week, and increase the number of minutes to forty minutes after that. You guys will be fit. Always keep progressing."
Monday, November 3, 2014
'Letting the Good Times Roll <3' by Sister Koroitamana
Heya! Love!
How are you? How was your week?
This week has been a good long short week. We had Zone Conference this week and it was Awesome! as always. We learnt a tonne of really good things and as we've applied the things we learnt Sister Matheson and I have really seen so many great miracles that truly came from the Lord as we acted. On Tuesday we received a training about Sincere Prayer. I seriously loved it! I loved learning about the Power of our prayers once again and most especially the Power of sincerely saying it regularly and in Faith and not just saying it like a routine.That night Sister Matheson and I really tried to practice it and we were so amazed at the Miracles we saw in our lives that day. We had just gotten out of dinner and we'd been really praying that the Lord would help us reach our goals. We had dinner with the Manley Family that night (I love them so much!) and we came out and received a text saying that we'd just received a referral. We were sooo excited and super Happy. We had been praying regularly and really sincerely that we would find 2 new investigators that night. We went and contacted that referral and got to meet Tonya. She had gone online to try and get a Bible and she found so she requested a free bible there. She is sooo Awesome we talked with her about what we do as Missionaries and she expressed that just recently she'd been feeling a need to come closer to God and she's been trying to find a church that she and her family could go to. We got to share a little lesson with her and her daughter Taniyah (she's 14) that night and they just loved it! and allowed us to come back the next day! We did go back and taught her the Restoration and she just loved it and was just so amazed by it! We felt prompted to invite her to be baptized and she accepted a Baptismal Date!!!!! That was such a huge miracle for us.It was soo funny though because right after she accpeted to be baptized she thought for a while then said;" I'ma have to get me a new weave so it doesn't float up" hahaha we just laughed so hard:D She really just strengthened my testimony that regardless of what our circumstances may be (however hard our area or circumstances may be) as we really pray sincerely and work diligently the Lord truly does Magnify our callings and he makes miracles happen!
This week we also had the great blessing of Meeting Christina Aguyo. She is so amazing and truly the most special and prepared person I know, We had found her in the area book. The Sisters before us had met her in the Park and were never able to contact her again. We went by to check her out and she allowed us to come back! She is so special and I just know that God loves her so much! She had had a Mormon friend who had invited her to activities a while back and she's always loved how the Gospel was so family oriented. On Saturday we were planning to have a lesson with her and we were trying to find a member who could come with us but everyone that we asked were either sick or not able to. We prayed alot! to find a member who would be a good fellow shipper for Christina and we had asked a couple of the Sisters and neither of them were responding, Finally late Friday Evening one of the Sisters responded and she suggested that we try calling a new Sister that had just moved into the ward to come with us - her name was Sister Clark. We quickly asked Sister Clark even though it was getting kind of late and she quickly responded that she would love to come with us:) Wow! that was such a huge blessing and relief! We went by to Christina the next day and it truly was one of the most amazing lessons I've had on my mission. We were planning to show her a video of President Monson's talk from the previous General Conference called "Ponder the Path of thy Feet" and as we followed up with her on her understanding of the Restoration and she quickly mentioned that she loved the idea of Prophets and having a modern day Prophet today! Wow! we (Sister Matheson, Sister Clark and I) all just felt so much comfort knowing that truly this was the Lord's work and that he was leading us through his spirit to help Christina. We watched the talk with her and it was sooo amazing. I could definitely feel the Spirit present in our lesson and although kids were playing and doing their thing, I just felt so calm and reassured inside. I was praying so hard that during the lesson the kids would behave and not be too much of a distraction and through out the whole lesson they were just being really good. It was soo good. After the video we asked one of her sons who is 9 how he felt as he listened he said that although he wasn't paying full attention he just felt so calm:) Christina accepted a Baptismal Date for the 23rd of November and she and her son and her friend who she invited came to church last Sunday!!! She is really such a great example to me. I love her so much!!!! Can you please pray for her?
I Love you Tonnes!
Sister Koroitamana:)
Sunday, November 2, 2014
November 2, 2014
Was a fountain of living water in Lehi's dream?
One thing that caught my attention during my first attempt to read the Maxwell Institute Study Edition of the Book of Mormon: Another Testam...

Life is like a river: the twists and turns along the way are meant to guide us, not stop us Everything in God's creation proves God exi...
Christine Collins Hi everyone. My name Christine aka Kryssi , I am 21 years young and I am from the beautiful island of Jamaica. I am in my...