then we got feed a feast for break fast conchas( Mexican sweet bread) and pizza and tortas aka big Mexican grilled sandwhiches,,, so yum! |
Monday, June 30, 2014
first week of the new Transfer
Happy 4th of July Week!!!
Heya Love!
How was your week? How's your family? How are YOU!?
This week I have been doing a lot of reflecting. One night we went to try and visit some investigators and when we got there we sang for them and in return their Son Eli started playing the guitar and singing for us. Oh Man he sang Bob Marley's "Is this Love?" song and it was so good!!!! Oh I was so amazed at his talent but at the same time I caught myself not being as worried about the fact that we weren't suppose to be listening to worldly music like that. Oh it was sooo hard. I was really surprised at how hard that was for me. Even after we got home I kept thinking about it and how easy it was for me to get carried away with that song and completely lose focus on why I'm here.That was such a scary experience for me. Even though I was praying so hard to not think about that song it seemed like nothing was helping and it was hard because part of me wanted to entertain that song in my mind. I shared this with my companion and she kind of helped. During this whole experience I realized one thing. I realized my need for a continual spiritual nourishment to help me have the strength to continue on and not give in. I thought about a less active family we are trying to help get to the Temple. Their Dad Brother Tuiaana really wants his family to be there and so he's been trying to quit smoking and prepare to enter the Temple. He's been doing so good cutting down; but he mentioned how weak he feels when he's not smoking because his body still wants it.This experience helped me to realize how hard it was for him to not give in. I fasted to be able to overcome this weakness and something I've learnt is really to pray always. I realized that I couldn't do it on my own and I needed my Savior. I know that he lives and his love is real. I have come to rely on him so much. I've come to learn that I really just gotta give my all to him and trust him and follow him. I definitely want to share this with Brother Tuiaana and his family.
Besides all of that news this week has been great. We found a couple of new investigators this week. Some of them live in a half way house (a house where the state helps to pay for people recovering from addictions to live in) we are teaching a lady named Debra who lives there and on Saturday we went by to teach her and found out that she had gone to the ER the night before and no ones' heard from her. We spoke with one of the room mates who helps run the place his name is Robert. While talking with Robert we learnt that he too was a recovering addict and is trying to change his life and find peace. We shared about the Atonement with him and he was willing to learn more and have us come back to teach him!!! (that was Miracle #1) We invited him to church and organized a member ride for him. The next day we went by to see if he was still up for church but we came by and he wasn't home. His Roomies told us he had gone down the alley. We decided to go see and while walking back we met him with a friend walking back home ( Miracle #2) Robert said something else came up so he couldn't come so we decided to ask his friend if he wanted to come? His Friend Sammy said he was looking for some peace in his life so he said yes he'd come!!!! ( Miracle#3) Our member came to pick Sammy up and when we got to church we learnt that Sammy had brought another Roommate with him- Nicky!!! (Miracle#4) They stayed for all of church and loved it!!! This week has been filled with so many great miracles. I know that Heavenly Father truly has hastened his work!
Lots of Love!!!
Friday, June 27, 2014
The Parable of the Feast!
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I'm trying to teach as Christ did. |
A certain man traveled far and fasted for many days and many nights in a far away land to better serve the Lord. At the end of his mighty fast, he found himself famished, and he, being in the wilderness, headed back to his home.
Along the way and being close to home, he met with a certain woman and he being hungered, asked the woman of her bread and water. She gave him of her own and the man, being filled, went along his way. As he arrived to his home, the man discovered the town had prepared a great feast for him in his honor, but he, being filled of bread and water, could not partake.
"You're gonna make me do this biblically aren't you...?" Please...? "Sigh... What meaneth these things which you speak...?"
Well, my beloved reader, it means to never settle with what first comes our way, especially if it's not as good as we would like it. In life, we will have to wait for many a day and night and we will be eager to partake of the first thing that comes our way. But, we being faithful, have much better things waiting for us than a simple meal of bread and water. If we do what is right, and wait the full amount of time, we will find that our feast will be waiting for us where we are supposed to be.
Beware of Pricing: The Decoy Strategy
Thursday, June 26, 2014
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Enjoy this gem while it lasts... |
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Everything I described in one neat picture! |
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What can I say? I clean up well. Okay... You can stop looking... |
You're still looking at the first picture aren't you...? "I just can't keep my eyes off it... Can I put it in my wallet?" No...
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Transfer News and Some Fun in the Sun!
Monday, June 23, 2014
Hello Beautiful!
Can you believe it's the almost the last week of June already?!?! AH! Time is flying so fast!!!! How are you holding up?
This week was a good week it was long but I am slowly but surely improving (I think) on being more open with my companion. It's definitely getting better. I am learning so much about working together and relying on each other. I've come to realize that I love being independent and not having to rely on other people. I was fasting this week so that Heavenly Father would help me to know how I can help our companionship grow closer together and become more successful. I learnt alot during and after my fast. As I was reading through our Missionary handbook I desired to become a more Christlike companion I guess I never really looked at being a senior companion as a leader but as I reread the handbook and pondered upon it. I learnt this:
"Successful missionary work and appropriate missionary conduct begin in the companionship under the leadership of the senior companion.The assignment to serve as a leader is a sacred trust from the Lord through the mission president, and both the president and the Lord will receive an accounting ofthis responsibility"
I realized that I had a responsibility to be a good example and influence on my companion. The Lord and President Weidman trust me to be her companion. I guess I never really considered being a senior companion being much of a leader. I'm glad I was led and guided to learn this. I then was reading an ensign article and came across an Article titled "Christlike Leadership" WOW! I was in awe at how well Heavenly Father knows me and is eager to help me. I love all that I am learning. One thing I loved was how the Savior allowed his disciples the opportunity to grow as they were learning. He never just did the work for them but he allowed them to learn for themselves. He was totally selfless. I want to be like that.
Last week we also fasted with our Investigator Thomas. He and his wife (who he's not married to yet) are having some problems and so we offered to fast with them. We really didn't know how else we could've helped them but I am so glad to know that this is the Lord's work and we don't have to figure it all out on our own. Thomas has such great desires to come closer to God and change and it just makes him so sad that Victoria (he's wife to be) is not quite on the same page yet. For Father's day their kids were drinking and he was so sad and angry too that his wife allowed them to do that! Oh please pray for them. After we fasted we were so amazed at how Thomas was dedicated to reading his Book of Mormon. We shared scriptures with and it just blew my mind to see how the spirit was able to help him apply the scriptures to his life. I love the Book of Mormon!!!! What a great Miracle. On Sunday we texted them and didn't really get a response. Then while we were sitting in church Thomas, and Victoria and their grand baby walked in.They came to church!!!! That was such a great Blessing!!! We didn't even need to ask them. I love the Spirit:)
We recently just had a training and President Weidman promised that if we applied all that we had just learnt we would be able to find more people to teach and reach our 20 conversations goal. We have been doing our best to apply that and last Saturday we went out of our apartment and in my heart I remembered Elder Ballard's talk that we as missionaries should go out with the Faith in our hearts that we will find people to teach and help them on their way back to their Heavenly Father. I loved that promise. That Day we worked really hard and I could so tell that the both of us were doing all we can to make sure we worthy of the Spirit's companionship. We found 4 new investigators that day. That was a Miracle and a blessing!!! We were both so grateful.
Have a great one, Friends!
I love you!!!
Sister Koroitamana
Sunday, June 22, 2014
June 22, 2014

Thursday, June 19, 2014
Post-o Libre!
-Ignacio "Nacho"
I've been looking for every comparison and reason in the book to be able to talk about this movie and I finally found one. "You really wanted to do this one didn't you?" Oh you
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"Say that to my face." -Nacho |
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Some people have rougher starts than others... |
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Appearance is half the battle |
So Nacho sucked because he was fighting for the praise of the world... And he also kinda sucked, but in the end, when it really counted, he let Jesus take the wheel and fought not for praise but for the ones he loved.
There comes that crucial moment in all our lives where we take a stand and fight for what we thought was right. For NACHOOOOO, it was that moment when he had a boot to the neck, going one on one with his idol, who he realized was kinda a jerk. It was at that time, when the orphans were coming in that he realized who he was fighting for. As a popular hymn goes,
Who's on the Lord's side? Who?
Now is the time to show.
We ask it fearlessly:
Who's on the Lord's side? Who?
We wage no common war,
Cope with no common foe.
The enemy's awake;
Who's on the Lord's side? Who?
So as Nacho learned, it's time to fight the good fight against an enemy who isn't gonna go easy on us and will stop at nothing to make us stay down. Sometimes we'll win some, other times, we'll find a boot to our neck, but we always have to remember who it is we're fighting for and with what attitude. If we're fighting for the praise of other people and for our own personal pride, I can guarantee you we're not only gonna fail, but we're gonna fail hard. Joshua puts it a very nicely. He even puts it in a nice little bow.
"And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
So stay on the Lord's side and you too will find yourself with power and strength you didn't know you had. "You feel better after doing this one?" Not really, I feel like I didn't do it justice. "Ehh... Win some, lose some." Hey, if Nacho can do it, so can we, and judging from that picture down there, I'd say he did it.
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If you fight for what's right, you'll find yourself on top. Which is half a wrestling joke. "Yeah, a not funny one." |
Monday, June 16, 2014
Half way there:)
Hi! How are you? How was your week?
This week has been so long. It was okT his week was our Stake Conference and it was so great!!! did you know that they have 2 days of Stake Conference here? I just found out. Well this Stake Conference was special because they were releasing the old President and calling a new one. It was truly a memorable experience to see and learn how it was all done. We had 2 General Authorities from the Seventy join us (Elder Walker and Elder Ah Sam) it was a great experience. That morning on our way to Church we texted our investigators to let them know that we were on our way and shortly after we got there they arrived!!!! That was a big miracle for us because they hardly ever come early to church and what was even better they had actually dressed up! Oh it was so great to see them. Their names are Thomas and Victoria. We got to seat the 4th row from the Front and it was all so good to have them their. The spirit was truly felt in the hearts of all those present and right after the closing Prayer was Said Thomas stood up and went over to shake the General Authorities hands!!! Wow we got a shock and were so happy when Elder Walker came down to give him a hug:) What a blessing!!!! Victoria was so happy!!! They are so excited to be baptized they just need to have Victoria divorced from her previous husband and get married to Thomas. They are truly amazing! Please pray for them.
I am grateful to be serving here with all the Elders and Sisters here. I love learning from them all and I loved learning from District Meeting this past week. One thing that really stood out to me was How Can we allow the Holy Ghost to be the Teacher. I am grateful to be learning this lesson. We had a lesson right after District Meeting with Sheri and Raul our investigators and as we went in I prayed in my heart that the Lord would help us to allow the Holy Ghost to be the teacher. That lesson was truly one of the greatest lessons I've ever had. As I sincerely listened and just loved them and (really trying not to be thinking in my mind while they were talking) the things to say was truly given to us as we spoke and it was so simple. I was learning with them! After we had taught the Restoration Raul ( Sheri's fiance) expressed how he had been to a lot of other Christian Churches but he had never had anything explained to him like what we shared. He shared he had always felt like he was in a limbo having unanswered questions and not really getting answers from the church's he was going to. He expressed how the Restoration made sense. I loved that Experience! I hope all of the lessons we go to will continue to be like that. I am grateful to know that the Lord is with us in this work. I know that the promise in this scripture is so true : D&C 84:85.
I love you Heaps!!!
Temple Trip!!
May 25, 2014

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