Reading the words of Henry B. Eyring, I have been inspired to write a series of principles to remember. I have been prompted to put these into three categories, to be more organized. They are the following: Preaching the gospel, Personal development, and Service. I think that saying "remember this, remember that" over and over again would not work very well for your learning, so I will try to speak in a way so you will be able to have the most enlightening experience.
#1: Remember 8 principles of missionary work:
1. Pray for Heavenly Father to let you participate in his work. He leads His work, so ask Him to let you participate; if not, your opportunities will be sorely limited.
2. Testify and speak of Christ. President Eyring said that this is the way to be greatest in your influence for good.
3. Cultivate the habit to teach. Everyone wants to learn.
4. Remember never to be overbearing. This is my only regret of my mission. Alma warns to use boldness, but not overbearance. I was too bold in my last transfer of my mission. I did not think to respect their personal development, for it is truly personal. I saw that overbearance scares a spirit, making them not trust the servants of God, and you should not let that happen.
5. Be a witness of the purity of Jesus Christ. We represent Christ, and we need to know that our best efforts are a witness of his grace.
6. Teach unto repentance aimed at covenants.
7. Remember the invitation to come unto Christ.
8. Remember to not be afraid to invite. An invitation is an expression of love.
#2: Personal development:
I have 24 things that I think should be in our minds continually, I don’t want you to be overwhelmed, so I will try to make it as smooth as possible.
1. Remember to keep worthy of the Spirit by keeping the commandments.
2. Remember to follow the Holy Ghost.
3. Remember to be humble. Never do a vain thing.
4. Remember to use the Atonement in your life. The Atonement is the means by which the father heals his children from all infirmities. Nothing is impossible.
5. Remember how merciful the Lord has been unto the children of men.
6. Remember to pray. Let Heavenly Father participate in every aspect of your life. He is there for you, even more than your earthly father. He loves you. Heavenly Father is a limitless being. He will do all that is righteous for you. I memorized a verse of scripture, where he says "even I have given the Heavenly Hosts and mine angels charge concerning you." Heavenly Father is the universe’s most hard-working man, and He is more perfect than you can understand. He is here for you.
7. Remember to be grateful.
8. Remember to rely on the cornerstone and the keystone of our religion. They are Jesus the Christ and the Book of Mormon.
9. Remember to read the Book of Mormon daily.
10. Remember the need to work.
11. Remember your covenants.
12. Remember to read, ponder, and memorize the scriptures. Give plenty of time to study the word of God. My last transfer of my mission was when I was most bold. I even sought to be as Thomas S. Monson with his photographic memory. He has testified and promised that memorizing one scripture a day can unlock this gift. Why would you want to have photographic memory? It is a powerful tool to serve man. I memorized D&C 84: 85, which says: "Neither take ye thought beforehand what ye shall say, but treasure up in your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man." I believe that President Monson’s maintaining of his knowledge of the words of life and his photographic memory is exemplary of how to fulfill this scripture. We need to seek to be as our prophets. Don’t think that their abilities are unattainable. We don’t have to seek after photographic memory, but we ought to exercise as much faith as possible to serve God as they do. We should be inspired to seek to have their abilities. The prophets desire to raise us up to their level of work. Great faith comes by the knowledge of the word of the Lord. Reading and knowing the scriptures is one of the most powerful ways for God to communicate with us. Brother Hiatt spoke of President Monson’s promise of photographic memory last week here. He heard President Monson say it himself. I have again begun to memorize the Book of Mormon as I did on my mission, and I plan to know the scriptures, so I can be the greatest servant that I can.
13. Remember to take control of your life.
14. Remember to hold fast to your knowledge. Learn what is right and wrong, and search for the light of Christ.
15. Remember to seek after a Christ-like personality.
16. Remember the happiness that comes of the Gospel.
17. Remember to come to understand the workings of the Spirit. He has taught me how to feel. I understand that coming to know how the spirit feels is difficult. I don’t know the extent of the feelings of the Holy Ghost, but I prayed to understand the Holy Ghost. On my mission I learned that the Holy Ghost works with each person equally. You can hear the voice, feel, and understand the Holy Ghost. Seek after the gifts of the Spirit. There are countless gifts. You could even make them up. I thought that I could not feel the burning of the Holy Ghost in my heart. After praying for many hours, I received this gift to feel the Holy Ghost; therefore, seek after the gifts of the spirit. Obtain these special abilities that you may be more perfect and a greater servant in the work of God.
18. Remember that doing all of God’s expectations is possible.
19. Remember how influential your life can be. Seek to take the most from each moment, being most effective.
20. Remember to be one with the saints.
21. Remember Christ leads His church and His servants
22. Remember to follow them
23. Remember to write. We have been taught that angels record everything. How much would we benefit if we had these records? We are to be mortal angels, and do likewise. As you may think in beginning to memorize the Book of Mormon, I would start at the first verse of first Nephi. When I was reciting this verse, his words "I make a record of my proceeding in my days" felt profound because I write an in-depth journal for myself.
24. Remember to be prepared for anything. President Eyring taught: "Once, I went with my missionary companion to visit a family we had taught and baptized just a few weeks previously. The parents took us down into their basement to show us a room. It had been the bedroom of one of their two daughters. But she had now moved in with her sister. The bedroom she vacated was filled with everything the family would need in an emergency.We had not taught them anything about emergency preparedness. When we asked why they had done something so difficult so quickly, the reply was that they had read in a Church magazine that the Lord would like families to be prepared to take care of themselves and others. They said, 'Isn’t that what Latter-day Saints do?' That simple faith extended to everything they felt the Savior would have them do. And their desire to follow Him lasted. And it changed them. They had always been kind, trying to help others. But that ability to show charity grew. And that has been the pattern in all those I have known who continued to come unto Him over a lifetime."
#3: Eight things to remember in our service to all men:
1. Remember to serve all men.
2. Remember to serve the dead by doing temple work and your genealogy.
3. Remember the poor and needy and to impart of your substance to them. Visit them.
4. Remember to visit the erring brother.
5. Remember to not limit anyone. Don't underestimate a child of God.
6. Remember the priesthood and to magnify your calling.
7. Remember your friends and family.
8. Remember to be a brother’s keeper and to sustain them.
I hope that the repetition was not too much, but this is what I have been lead to say. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
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